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This website, including the services and products offered on it are an initiative of the company Hortisol South Africa (PTY) LTD, hereafter: "CANNA".

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Privacy policy

CANNA respects and protects the privacy of visitors to its website. This is the reason why each visitor can visit the site anonymously in principle.

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In order to comply with new rules, we use a system of classifying the different types of cookies which we, CANNA BV, use on the website.

CANNA Coco Professional Plus


CANNA Coco Professional Plus

CANNA Coco Professional Plus is a pure, organic product with a homogeneous structure and has had a full buffering, eliminating the side effects of growing on coir, as coir could consume some of the

    Grow it yourself: Lettuce


    Grow it yourself: Lettuce

    Some unenlightened people refer to our friend the lettuce as rabbit food. little do they know... The ancient Egyptians might have had a funny walk but they knew. Oh, did they know.